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FGZ Professional Dr. Therapy SOS Instant Reconstructor - Cold restoration

The latest development of Brazilian specialists in the field of cosmetics, concentrated SOS Botox in ampoules, which is designed to restore hair. The SOS ampoule acts on the hair fiber, restoring and nourishing it. It contains a combination of noble oils such as ojon, argan and macadamia, rich in essential amino acids. Provides instant moisturization, repair and strength. It is recommended for use on porous, brittle and damaged hair due to chemical processes (bleaching, straightening, perming, etc.).

1 ampoule is enough for 2-3 treatments

We recommend that before performing each procedure, the hair is diagnosed for the degree of damage to determine the need to repeat the procedure. Ideal for cold restoration using an ultrasonic infrared curling iron; thermal caps; in salon and home care; to maintain the effect after procedures.

FGZ Professional Dr. Therapy SOS Instant Reconstructor can be used in several ways:

  1. Mix it with water, for medium-damaged curls.
  2. Mixed with any mask, to be used on badly damaged hair.
  3. Mixed with Dr Therapy nano-plastic. This method is intended for the most damaged hair.

Mixing principle - 1:3 with water (5 ml ampoule: 15 ml water)

How to use FGZ Professional Dr. Therapy SOS Instant Reconstructor?

Method #1 - With an ultrasonic hair straightener

  1. Rinse your hair twice with a deep cleansing shampoo without leaving any foam on your hair.
  2. Blow dry your hair by 50%.
  3. Divide the hair into 4 sectors. Apply the composition from the back of the head, allowing for excess.
  4. During the entire procedure, use a brush and comb with thin teeth to distribute the composition along the entire length.
  5. Keep the composition for 10 minutes.
  6. Treat strands 1.5-2 cm thick with an ultrasonic straightener up to 6 times. Do not touch the plates of the strand straightener, leaving a small gap between them for the ultrasound to work. Or leave the composition for 20 minutes without using the ultrasonic straightener.
  7. Rinse off the composition by 50% without using shampoo.
  8. Dry your hair 100% with warm air from a hair dryer using a round comb.
  9. Divide the hair into 4 sectors. Heat at a temperature of up to 170 degrees, working through each strand 5 times along the entire length.

The procedure is complete!

Method #2 - With a thermal cap

  1. Wash your hair twice with a deep cleansing shampoo according to your hair type. IMPORTANT! Do not comb your hair, as this closes the scales, which impairs the penetration of the composition deep into the hair.
  2. Pat your hair dry with a towel to remove excess moisture.
  3. Mix Botox with water (15 ml of water per 5 ml of Botox) or with a mask.
  4. Apply the composition to the hair in a straight line, avoiding excess IMPORTANT!!! Do not apply the composition to the scalp, retreat 1 cm from the roots and do not oversaturate with the composition.
  5. Keep the composition for up to 30 minutes under a cap.
  6. Rinse off the composition within a minute so that the roots are clean and the composition is not felt along the entire length.
  7. Blow-dry your hair and style it as desired.
Підкажіть будь ласка з якою періодичністю можна використовувати даний засіб
Таня Кушнерова, добрий день! Рекомендуємо використовувати не частіше 1 разу на тиждень.
Скажіть будь ласка чи можна витримувати під термо шапкой??
Катя, доброго дня, FGZ Professional Dr. Therapy SOS Instant Reconstructor можна витримувати під термошапкою.
А можно использовать с кератином?
Марина Петренко , добрий день,так можна використовувати
Здравствуйте, можно узнать способ применения с маской ( для поврежденных волос) поэтапно пожалуйста)
Молдованова Анастасія, добрий день.

Застосовувати даний FGZ Professional Dr. Therapy SOS Instant Reconstructor для сильно пошкодженого волосся потрібно змішуючи з будь-якою маскою, залишити на 5-15 хвилин.
Як його використовувати ?
Карпенко Ірина Олегівна, добрий день.

Застосовувати FGZ Professional Dr. Therapy SOS Instant Reconstructor можна в декількох варіантах:
1. Змішати з водою, для локонів середнього ступеня пошкодження.
2. Перемішати з будь-якою маскою, застосовувати для сильно пошкодженого волосся.
3. Перемішати з нанопластикою Dr Therapy. Даний спосіб призначений для найбільш пошкодженого волосся.
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FGZ Professional Dr. Therapy SOS Instant Reconstructor

In stock
SKU: DT986
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Manufacturer FGZ Professional
Made in Brazil
Application time Universal
Sex For women
Classification Professional
Product type Cold Recovery
Volume 15
  • Новою Поштою по Україні.
  • Укрпоштою по Україні при повній оплаті замовлення.
  • Доставка у місті Рівне.
  • Безкоштовна доставка до відділення при замовленні від 2500 грн (де працюють відділення Нової пошти).

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